Agri Future

Power Tech 95

Power Tech 95

Fulvic Acid 95% + Protein + Vitamin Combination Product

Use of Power Tech 95
Increases photosynthesis and ventilation, which leads to greater production of sugar.
Improvements in transport or nutrients, make them available where they are needed in plants. Increasing the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, which facilitates the action of enzymes made up of certain amino acids and micronutrients. Increases absorption, contributes to increased absorption of water by plants.
Power Tech 95 is an organic form that is developed for vigorous and vigorous growth of various crops which enhances crop quality and yield.
Power Tech 95 is required to increase nutrition and metabolism in crops.
Power Tech 95 can be used by spraying or drip irrigation method.
It is a unique form made from a certain amount of blends, animal and vegetable products.
Power Tech 95 enhances resistance in adverse weather.
It also enhances immunity to diseases and pests.

Soil Application / Fertigation :- 500 gm to 1 Kg per acre
Foliar Spray :- 1.0 to 2.0 gm per Liter of water.

