Agri Future

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Silica-Enriched Micronutrient Mixture Fertilizer
NUTRI ON SPECIAL is a mixture of micronutrients in which apart from Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu & B. Micro-amorphous Silica is also available in balanced quantity.
NUTRI ON SPECIAL is specially used for soil application as it is highly suitable for basal dose, which increases the solubility and availability of micronutrients available in the soil and given externally.



NUTRI ON SPECIAL given in soil ensures a constant temperature along the root system of plants due to its insulating properties.
High silica content help plants mature quicker & stronger due to slow release of silica content with NUTRI ON SPECIAL MAS.
It facilitates the air circulation around the root zone.
High Cation Anion Exchange (CEC) will pass nutrients to plants roots more effectively.
The MAS in NUTRI ON SPECIAL has a high CEC as compared to clay particles.
Dose: 10 to 15 kg per acre

Compatibility: Can be used with all types of fertilizers, except with phosphorous fertilizers.

Available Packing: 10 kg, 25kg