Agri Future

EDDHA Chelated


ACS Fe EDDHA 6% is a chelated iron product meant for high pH calcareous soils

Product Description
ACS Fe EDDHA (6%) is a chelated iron product suitable for high pH calcareous soils. The product is suitable for correcting iron deficiency in plants grown in such soils. Multiple applications of the product can be done as per the deficiency levels in soils

Directions for use
Sow or transplant the crops as per the recommended spacing.

ACS Fe EDDHA 6% is suitable for fertigation also for best results apply ACS Fe EDDHA 6% 2 to 3 times at an interval of 15 to 20 days, if the iron deficiency is observed.
Ensure irrigating the field after application
While spraying in open fields, the direction of the wind should be kept in mind & avoid the periods of high wind & rainfall for spraying.
ACS Fe EDDHA 6% is compatible with most of the agrochemicals. “Jar test” is recommended before mixing.
ACS Fe EDDHA 6% can be used on all crops grown on alkaline soil with high calcium content.
Follow pesticide spraying schedule as and when necessary.

Storage and precautions

Store the product in a cool & dry place away from direct sunlight. They are not to smoke, eat or drink anything while applying the product. After application the operator should wash their hands and face with soap and should take a bath and change their clothes. The clothes worn by them during usage operations should be washed properly prior to reuse. Keep out of reach of children

Soil Application / Fertigation :- 500 gm to 1 Kg per Acre.
Foliar Spray:- 1 gm to 1.5 gm per Liter of water.

Packing :- 250gm, 500gm, 1 Kg.