Agri Future

ACS Boron 20%

ACS Boron 20%

Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate (B-20%)
ACS BORON is a water soluble Boron micronutrient fertilizer. ACS BORON contains 20 % Boron, BCS Formula a vital element for sustainable crop growth.

ACS BORON :- The main function of Boron relate to cell wall strengths & development, cell division, fruit & seed development, sugar trans location & hormone synthesis. The Boron requirement at flowering & seed set may be higher than that needed for vegetative growth. Boron (B) has a significant effect in pollen germination & pollen tube growth. The viability of pollen grains also decreases when B is deficient. Boron (B) deficiency increases the drop of buds & flowers, resulting in significant reduction in seed & fruit set & also in the quality of fruits, seeds, nuts etc. Boron maintains calcium (Ca) in soluble form & thus ensure its proper utilization.

Both soil & plant tissue analysis is strongly recommended to assess the available Boron status for all commercial crops. A combination of soil Dose & foliar sprays, depending upon the plant species may be needed when results of soil & Plant analyses indicate a low supply of available Boron for the current crop. Foliar spray of ACS BORON at the pre-bloom or bloom stages of fruit & nut crops supplies available Boron at the critical periods of pollen formation, germination and fertilization just prior to seed & fruit set. Foliar applied Boron is rapidly absorbed by the leaves and flower buds.

Foliar Spray :- @ 50 gm to 100 gm of ACS BORON is to be dissolved in 100 Liters of clean water & spray during cooler parts of the day i.e. early morning or late evening.
Soil Application / Fertigation :- 500 gms per acre per application. Repeat whenever required.


ACS BORON is Compatible with all kinds of fertilizers & pesticides normally used. But we recommend “JAR TEST” before mixing with other inputs.


100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 Kg,