Agri Future

ACS Aczet

ACS Aczet

(Nano Technology)

Aczet is FTR ( nano ) technology base micro molecule which is contain high quality of protein , amino acid , vitamins , minerals and other plant stimulant .

Aczet is improving pollen strength and increase the pollination . It also improves strength of stigma and ovary .
Aczet is Increases No. of Flowers , Increases Flowers to Fruits conversion ratio , Promotes cell division , and maintains Fruit color , fruit weight & shine . It inhibits flower dropping , keeps plant healthy . Motivates photosynthesis and provides good health & strength . It also helps in cell elongation and enlargement and helps to improve the metabolism of the plant . Mainly work in Tea garden , floriculture and all types of vegetables , crops and pulses .

Ginger, Tomato, Okra, Brinjal, Chilly, Gourds, Beans, Pomegranate, Grapes, Citrus, Mangoes, Cashew, Grams, Pease, Beans, Paddy, Wheat, Soya, Cotton, Sunflower, Piper Mint(Mentha) etc.

Directions of use

1 gm in 1- liter water diluted, in 200 liters water is used per acre of land.


1 gm per acre ( 150-200 ltr water)


1 gm.