Agri Future

ACS KC Ultra

ACS KC Ultra

(Potassium -7% & Calcium -4% )
Potassium & Calcium are very important nutrients and play vital role in many metabolic processes in plants. Potassium
determines fruit size, leaf thickness and stem strength. Potassium also plays a major role as a catalyst in the plant sap,
and transports carbohydrates from leaves to other parts of the plant, including the fruit. Crops which produce large
amounts of sugars have an especially high requirement for potassium.

KC Ultra is a unique formulation of Potassium, Calcium & organic Nitrogen derived from vegetable / animal origin
proteins in the form of free amino acids, short chained peptides which form the complex with Potassium & Calcium
ions which ensure the better availability of these mineral to crop.

KC Ultra foliar spray is a unique organic supplementation of Potassium, Calcium & organic Nitrogen, which is easily
absorbed and utilized by plant. KC Ultra fulfills the nutritional requirement and boosts the metabolic processes,
results in to into higher chlorophyll synthesis, disease resistance, hormonal synthesis, translocation which results in to
better growth r& higher quality yields.
Calcium, an essential part of plant cell wall structure, provides for normal transport and retention of other elements as
well as strength in the plant. Calcium is involved in formation of seeds and grains .Calcium is essential for apical growth
of plant .Calcium is needed for transportation of other minerals within plant, Calcium is a part of cell wall, and hence
related to cell division, cell elongation process.

 • KC Ultra contains primary basic plant nutrients like Potassium & Calcium, are present in right combination
in bioavailable from.
 • KC Ultra increase disease resistant power of the crop.
 • KC Ultra enhances the enzyme activity thus improves Weight, Colour, Size, & Luster of the produces.
 • KC Ultra improves nutrient uptake, movement of starches and sugars and boost the metabolism.
 • KC Ultra improves the nutritional status and their utilization,
 • KC Ultra increase flush and fruit setting & reduces the flower and fruit drop resulted due to nutrient
 • KC Ultra promotes cell division & cell elongation & increase the fruit size.
 • KC Ultra promotes cell wall development.
 • KC Ultra boosts up the growth & development of plant resulting into vigor, health& sturdiness.
 • KC Ultra Improve the quality weight and yields.
 • KC Ultra is highly effective, economical and eco-friendly product for Foliar Application.

Foliar Spray : 2 G / Liter water. 2-3 Sprays are recommended at various stages of crop.
Drip & Sprinklers: 300-400 G / Acre. on crops. Viz, Cotton, Chili, Tomato.
Vegetables, Oilseeds, Sugarcane, Banana, Cereals, Horticulture and vegetable plants.
interval of 2-4 weeks depending on the age & type of the crop.

KC Ultra foliar spray is compatible with most of the pesticides and micronutrients formulations.

KC Ultra foliar spray is eco-friendly naturally derived product and is therefore free from any toxic effect and can be
safely used till harvesting.

Available in 250gm, 500gm.