Agri Future

Flower king

Flower king

Flower king 
Home Natural Biostimulants Flower king 

Flower king + is a product of high tech concept in Plant Metabolism. Flower king + is a product Containing Derivative of Amino Acid L – Cysteine. 5.0 % w/v, NB 25% with folic acid 0.1 % w/v. which promotes enzymatic activity & stimulates Photosynthesis and uptake of major and Micro nutrients. Induces synthesis of Hormones like I.A.A. and gibberellins, which helps in many ways.

Increases flowering
Induces fruit setting .
Improves an efficiency of pesticide and fungicides.
Helps to fight draught resistance.
Provides pest resistance.
Increases valine and glutamine content thereby increasing plant
resistance to water and temperature stream. Improves germination and growing cycle of plant.

Seed Treatment :- Seeds dipped in Homan Solution. 2 to 3 ml/ Liter of water for 10-15 minutes before planting.
Root Treatment – 2 to 3 ml/ Lit of Water.
Spraying :- Flower king + can be used for foliar spray in nurseries or directly in field @ 2ml to 2.5ml/ Liter.

Flower king + is compatible with almost all insecticides, fungicides and plant nutrients except those with alkaline nature.


250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Lit