Agri Future

Capacitor Zyme

Capacitor Zyme

Ascophyllum nodusum Seaweed Extract Powder

Benthick is seaweed extract derived by fermentation of Ascophyllum nodusum and it contains natural hormones and various plant nutrients, trace minerals, carbohydrate & protein hydrolysate.

Seaweed extract : 80% w/w
Hydrolysed Proteins : 10% w/w
(Amino acid mixture)
Solvent (Aqueous) : 10% w/w
Total : 100% w/w

Improves blossom and fruit set. Supply balanced nutrients in natural form Stimulates cell division, improve fruit size. Improve root growth.

Soil Application/Fertigation :- 400 to 600gm per acre, 2-3 times during active growth stage.
Foliar Application :- 300-400 gm per acre in 150 to 200 liters of clean water during growth, flowering and fruit development stages.

CAPACITOR Zyme can be mixed with most of the pesticides & fertilizers. Still we recommend to check compatibility before application.


200gm, 400gm.