Agri Future

Black Growth 98

Black Growth 98

Super Potassium Humate 98% (Crystalline)
Black growth 98 is the organic nutrition for all the crops. Black growth contains Super Potassium Humate 98% It is 100 % water soluble & can be useful for fertigation through drip irrigation / drenching & for foliar spray.

Effect on Soil 

Soil detoxification :- Black growth enables toxic residues to be isolated &
removed from the soil.
Sodium management :- Damage from high sodium water can be considerably restricted by adding 200 gram of Black growth per acre with each irrigation.
pH buffering :- Black growth 98 can neutralize the negative effect of pH extremes, which have a profound effect on nutrient availability.
Hormonal stimulation :- Black growth 98 contains an auxin like growth hormones, which can enhance cell division & cell elongation.
Root zone chelation :- When Black growth applied to the root zone, becomes root zone facilitator, chelating applied nutrient & those already existing in the soil.

Better germination
Better root & shoot growth.
Increased absorption of major & micronutrients.
Black growth is eco– friendly in nature

Foliar Spray :- 0.5 gm to 1 gm per acre of water.
Soil application / Fertigation :- 250 gm to 500 gm acre through drip irrigation / drenching.

Black growth can be mixed with fertilizers, preferably use alone.


200 gm, 400 gm,